Those Who Inspire
It is impossible to be successful in life without the support of family, friends, and others who believe in you.
Below are stories of people who have helped me and believed in the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation, and others whose examples have been inspirational. Most are people you don’t hear about in the media, but they are the true heroes of this world. They care about others, and they respond with action wherever there is suffering in the world.
I so appreciate those who are pledging, both publicly and privately. If you haven’t yet done so, please don’t forget to pledge your monthly donation.
Makaya Revell
Please click on a name or leisurely scroll down the page to read about each of our Inspiring Friends and Volunteers.
Make a Monthly I-Pledge Donation
Make a General Donation

Tim Harlacher
As a mentor and family friend, when Tim Harlacher heard about our work in assisting the orphans of war in Democratic Republic of the Congo, he decided to get involved by giving us his time, resources and talent to our cause. As an artist he created artworks and donated them to the Foundation for fundraising purposes. He has participated in fundraising events in the last few years.
Tim is a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. His interest in art started at a young age and has continued to be a part of his life ever since. Tim has painted pieces including large murals, small detailed slates, and hand saws. Some of his favorite subjects to paint are old barns and wildlife. He enjoys spending time outdoors, helping friends and family, and hunting and fishing.
We made $1700 selling Tim’s arts through auction. Mr. Tim Harlacher is an exceptional man with a caring and loving heart.
Timothy Harlacher’s business information:
Lost River, West Virginia
Phone: (304) 490-9118

Mary Higgins
Please meet Mary Higgins, Advisory Board Member and loyal supporter of the Mary Mambu Makaya Foundation.
Mary Higgins is an educator with more than forty years of professional experience.
Ms. Higgins’ experience has demonstrated her facility with diverse groups of students and her capacity to create learning experiences that are uniquely successful in reaching students. She is proficient at enabling students to work together toward the best learning outcomes. She is experienced in curriculum development, research, and program administration. Her experience in delivering instruction includes a full range of subject matter.
Ms. Higgins has received multiple awards and commendations for her work. She has been honored by the National Park Service, York County Office of Employment and Training, the York Summer Youth Employment and Training Program, the LIU Summer Academy, Volunteer York, and she received a scholarship from the York Country Day Parents’ Association.
She also has a long record of specialized training, including training by the following providers:
The Graduate School of Education at Harvard University, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Office of Environment and Ecology of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, The Governor’s Institute for Social Studies Educators sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Capital Area Intermediate Unit, and the York County Children’s Advocacy Center.
Ms. Higgins has a number of personal qualities that have made her a particularly valuable contributor. She is dependable and results driven, possesses strong communication skills and attention to detail, and she brings eagerness and enthusiasm to every team she participates with. She is a valued member of the board of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation.
Thank you, Mary, for supporting the vision of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation.

Henry Revell
My grandparents were both born in Ahoskie, North Carolina. When my grandfather was eight years old, his parents rented him out to a white farmer. He worked on the farm, slept in the barn, and only went home at Christmas time. He grew up and saw active duty in World War I, suffering lung damage from mustard gas as one of the black soldiers who dug trenches for the white troops. He married his 16-year-old bride. They became sharecroppers. They had three children. With the lure of industrial jobs in the north, they joined the great migration of blacks from the south to the north. They settled in Philadelphia, and they had their fourth child, my father. Grandpa worked at least two factory jobs at a time, and Grandma worked as a domestic, cleaning for white families. For a long time Grandpa worked in a chocolate factory, frequently bringing home chocolate for the children. Similarly, Grandma was able to bring home leftover food from the families she cleaned for. But Grandpa’s longest standing job was lining stoves with asbestos. In the end he died at 75 years old from asbestosis.

Laetitia Kasay Basondwa
Please meet our supporter and donor Laetitia Kasay Basondwa.
Laetitia was born and raised in the Congo DRC and came as an immigrant to live in the United States. Early on Laetitia understood that the United States has the tools she needed to build her imagination.
Laetitia is an exceptional individual because she lives in an exceptional society. But she never forgets to assist the citizens that she left behind. She believes that her existence means serving others. This includes family, friends, and strangers. She advances her love, tolerance, and fraternity for those that she supports.
Laetitia attended American University Washington, D.C., and studied law. Today she is an immigration attorney helping many people around the world. Laetitia believes in immigration justice and human rights for all.
For many years Laetitia has been a strong supporter of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation’s mission and vision. She told me that ” I just love seeing our children growing to be intelligent, strong, and peaceful.”
Laetitia knows that many NGOs and other parts of civil society are experiencing tough times during this global COVID-19’s pandemic. She has really come through for the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation.
Laetitia, thank you for supporting the orphans of Congo DRC. We appreciate you!

Abu B. Sesay
Please meet our trusted, loyal friend and Advisory Board member, Mr. Abu B. Sesay
Mr. Abu is an immigrant from Sierra Leone in West Africa. He has been living in the United States for 25 years and has one son. Two years ago Mr. Abu’s son Kenny graduated from college. I attended his graduation celebration and was honored to be invited to Kenny’s wedding a few months ago.
Mr. Abu considers himself successful because he married the love of his life. This past July he and his wife, Mavis, celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. His ability to work hard has led him to appreciate the opportunity that his adoptive country has provided for him. His loyalty to the United States has allowed him to assist his fellow men and women that he left in his country of birth. I am one of the recipients of his love, compassion, and empathy. For over six years I have known Mr. Abu, and we talk every single day. He has been a friend, brother, and mentor.
Immigrants like Mr. Abu come to the United States for many different reasons. Their reasons include freedom, economic issues, religion, seeking better lives, and fleeing persecution. As a part of the diaspora from Sierra Leone, Mr. Abu dedicated his life to serving his God, family, and others. He has made great personal sacrifice to assist the sick and poor in his home country. He remains calm, humble, authentic, and forgiving in times of crisis and uncertainty.
He understands that the future of Africa will be judged by our attitude towards today’s children. The most vulnerable ones are the orphaned children of war, especially those in Congo DRC. We at the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation are changing lives one child at a time. We are blessed to have Mr. Abu’s support and unshakable loyalty. Thank you, Abu Sesay, for believing in our vision, mission, and values.
We appreciate you.

Foundation Secretary and Pastor, Mbala Tondo Henoc
We the Congolese people are the true masters of our society and destiny. As we grapple with the COVID 19 pandemic, we live by the words of Nelson Mandela: “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” Be patient, because tough times are meant to help us grow physically and spiritually. We are in this together!
Today we wish to honor our Secretary and Pastor, Mbala Tondo Henoc.
Secretary Henoc, a loyal husband and proud father, has as his objectives to serve God first and then all God’s creation.
The African continent is still fighting visible and invisible enemies. Hunger, poverty, terrorism, local ethnic and religious conflicts, corruption, bribery, and wealth mismanagement continue to plague us. These epidemics often lead to armed conflict and civil war. A mineral rich country such as Congo DRC finds itself a victim of exploitation by strong states.
As a man of God, Pastor Henoc often uses the power given to him by his creator to assist his fellow citizens. Faith, cohesion, solidarity, compassion and love are his strongest tools to restore hope to broken hearts throughout Congo DRC. Every Sunday more than 150 people gather at his church La Consolation Visionary where he preaches love and inclusion.
His loyalty to MMMF’s mission came from the idea that, in many cultures including our own, family does not just include a mother, father, and children. As a Christian he understands that raising a child is a communal effort. Children are considered a blessing from God for the whole community. And it will take all of us to create tomorrow’s leaders. Secretary Henoc has been serving our foundation since it was just an idea. His service to our orphanage is essential. Our children are blessed to have this humble servant on their side.
As we struggle to continue to support our orphans during these most challenging times, Pastor Henoc lives by the words of Seneca: “The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.”
Congratulations to Secretary Mbala T. Henoc. We appreciate you.

Douglas MacKenzie
Please meet my late father’s most trusted friend, VP for Business Development at Total Asphalt and our Advisory Board member Mr. Douglas MacKenzie.
Dad once told me that “Doug is the bravest man I ever met.”
Throughout my life and my legal fight in this country, Mr. Doug has shown deep compassion, support, and most importantly, he has been suffering with me in these experiences.
Mr. Doug has believed in and supported the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation since it was just an idea. I’m extremely humbled to have Mr. Doug in our lives and our Foundation.
Mr. Doug is a respected member of his community and a well accomplished individual. As a dedicated husband, father and grandfather, Mr. Doug also works hard to develop the capacities of others.
During our many conversations Mr. Doug has shown empathy and sadness over the situation my country Congo DRC finds itself in today. He argues that Congo is potentially one of the richest countries on earth, but slavery, colonialism, proxy war and corruption have turned it into one of the poorest countries on the earth. Because of this awareness he has become committed to doing what he can to end the human suffering brought about by these conditions. And this is the core of why we have established our Foundation.
Mr. Doug religiously supports the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation. We are blessed and humbled to have his support!

Dr. Hazem Salem
Dr. Hazem Salem is on the History and Political Science faculty at York College of Pennsylvania. He teaches courses on the Middle East, including Government and Politics of the Middle East. He is an expert in the field of Islamic political thought. Dr. Salem is a much admired and well-loved teacher and advisor who is committed to the learning of his students.
Dr. Salem has also demonstrated his commitment to social justice through his teaching and through his writings. He is married to Mila Pilz, Executive Director of Program Operations at ADVOZ Mediation and Restorative Practices. With their daughter Adele, they are a family who works for peace and for aiding victims of conflict here and throughout the world.
Dr. Salem is a strong supporter of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation. We thank him for believing in our cause.

Lamar Gunter
Please meet Lamar Gunter.
Lamar is a lifelong family friend. In 2005 just after Marie Mambu Makaya died my soon-to-be adoptive parents were traveling to China. Marie’s death completely destroyed the fabric of my family. My brothers and I were devastated and lost.
I quickly began the part of my life that involved living in the “abyss,” using Dr. Campbell’s word. I lost contact with my brothers back in Congo DRC. Fortunately, before my adoptive parents left for China they asked Lamar to keep an eye on me. Lamar did just that, and she stretched her compassion to my brothers. She made sure that they were found and that they would get an education.
Lamar is among the first people who believed in and supported the idea of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation, and she continues to do so.
Professionally, Lamar is an acupuncturist and specialist in Chinese medicine. She has run clinics in Alaska, Australia, and other places in the US and throughout the world.
Lamar has helped many people around the world. And we are following Lamar’s example, and we are determined to pay it forward.
Lamar, on behalf of Marie and my brothers. We thank you for supporting and believing in us and Marie Mambu Makayafoundation.
Jeremy Middleman
Please meet Mr. Jeremy Middleman. Eleven years ago my family and Mr. Jeremy’s family got together to go to an event called snow tubing. The idea sounded fun and intriguing, but coming from Congo the closest thing we did was mud tubing.
I was quickly drawn to Jeremy because of his high level of intellect and willingness to learn. Mr. Jeremy and I started talking. We talked all night, and 11 years later we are still talking. Our conversations covered many topics. Early on I introduced the idea of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation to Jeremy, and he quickly became a firm supporter of the idea. Today Mr. Jeremy is on our Advisory Board, and he recently emailed me notifying me that he became a monthly donor.
Jeremy is a graduate in biology from Vassar College, and he currently works as Research Technician in the Department of Neurology at The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The lab studies Parkinson’s Disease and dementia. Jeremy assists with various cell culture and mice-based projects to understand the causes of disease and find cures.
An accomplished horn player with considerable orchestral experience, Mr. Middleman will soon be joining the orchestra at University of Pennsylvania.
I am proud and humble to be in Jeremy’s life, and we are proud to have his support. Jeremy is a humble and respectful man who loves people. Young men like Jeremy remind us all that there are those who will carry the torch of the future.

Beth Harlacher
Please meet our retiree from the County of York PA and Advisory Board member to our Foundation, Beth Harlacher.
For many years, Beth has been a loyal friend and active supporter of our Foundation and its mission. And for over 20 years, if you have enjoyed our annual Sheep Shearing party, you know that Beth has become instrumental in the success of that wonderful event. I have also seen Beth’s humanitarian beliefs in action many times, from her family and community to the orphaned children of Congo DRC.
Beth embodies the positive character and qualities that I most admire. Her love of humanity, compassion towards others, her love of animals, the ability to listen positively, her patriotism, her creative pursuits, and her personal relationship with her wonderful husband, are among the things that most describe Beth.
The result of 26 years of armed conflict has been that many Congolese children under the age of 18 are orphans. They suffer torture, are forced into the factions’ armies as child soldiers, are used as sex slaves or are murdered.
Beth understands that Congo is one of the wealthier countries minerally speaking. There is no reason for people to be starving, uneducated, or unemployed.
Because of the creative support and positive attention that Beth has shown to our mission over the years, I’m proud to say that our goal to positively to assist Congolese orphans and beyond remains strong and steady.
Beth we appreciate you!
Garryche Illonga
Please meet our Advisory Board member Mr. Garryche Ilonga. Garryche is an immigrant who came to the United States from Democratic Republic of Congo. Just like many immigrants who built this country, Mr. Garryche came with the goal to contribute to the country that has been generous toward him and allowed his imagination to become reality.
What I find striking about Mr. Garryche is his intellect and love of numbers and mathematics, which he demonstrates in his college studies. But my favorite thing about Mr. Garryche is that he is a man of few words and a great observer. Compassion is something that Mr. Garryche lives by. His frequent generosity has been shown to the orphaned children that he cares about in Congo and Central Africa. Mr. Garryche, the Foundation and my family are blessed to have you in our lives!

Christine Blair
Please meet my TEDx speech coach and our Advisory Board member Christine Blair.
Service above self is Christine Blair’s motto and her everyday reality.
Christine served and defended the integrity of the United States through her service in the US Air Force. At same time she was a dedicated and loving mother to her young daughter. After spending seven years in the Air Force as an Cryptologist/Linguist, she went on to become a registered nurse. Her nursing career has spanned 14 years.
Now Christine’s energy is focused on health care and chronic disease prevention. She is a yoga instructor and advocate of a vegan diet. She has been practicing yoga for 25 years and leads classes and private lessons in Lancaster, PA.
As we began our work to defend the basic human rights of the orphans of war in Congo DRC and beyond, Christine decided to join our team.
Christine, we thank you for protecting the integrity of our country and for including our children in your care package.

Mavis Chilebeso Sesay
Please meet Mavis Chilebeso Sesay, one of our Advisory Board members and a dedicated monthly donor to our foundation. As a Certified Nurse Practitioner, Mavis is one of the medical experts on our Advisory Board.
Our orphan children are among those who benefit from her positive will to protect and improve the health of people in the United States, Congo DRC, and her native Zimbabwe.
Mavis’s Integrity is not only shown by her courage to serve the public and people that she loves deeply. But it’s also shown by her tolerance, open mind, and love for her husband and son. We are humbled to have Mavis on our team.
Thank you for helping us to protect the orphaned children of Congo DRC.

Please meet Sydnee.
At eight years old, Sydnee is not only a martial arts champion, but she is excellent student at York Country Day. As we mentioned previously, on her eighth birthday, instead of asking for gifts for herself, Sydnee decided to raise funds to support the orphaned children of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation. But this was not the only time Sydnee unleashed her love and determination to serve others. As a kindergartner and first grader, Sydnee noticed that autistic kid would appear in the back of the yearbooks. Sydnee wrote the principal a letter and change was made.
As a prospective soccer player Sydnee led a bake sale with her soccer team to raise money for pediatric cancer research. They raised $220 by selling baked goods at a soccer game.
During her visit to our house yesterday, Sydnee help us cook. She made a delicious vegan pizza. Also, she walked Bridget, and we danced while her amazing mother took pictures and videos.
At this young age, Sydnee understands that self preoccupation will prevent you from making a difference in your community and society. But pursuing justice, love, and consideration for others will make you a productive citizen of the world. My HERO!

Karen Foley
Please meet Karen Foley.
It is a privilege to know someone who, day after day, sacrifices her life and time for service to others. In her commitment to human rights, Karen Foley sets an example for all of us.
In her professional life Karen is a psychotherapist who specializes in trauma and the body. In her practice she holds a space where LGBTQ+ clients are safe and supported. An activist for this community, Karen founded the Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition, whose purpose is “to provide services and advocate for the rights of the LGBTQ+ people in Lancaster Country, as individuals and as a community.”
Karen serves as a model to all of us of the impact that one committed person can make to create a better, safer world. We of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation are happy to have her support.

Denise Horn
Please meet our Advisory Board member Denise Horn.
Since 2010 Denise has held the VP of Sales position at Aged Woods. She has been with the company for 23 years. The company sells flooring that is made from reclaimed barn wood. Our offices and one of our bedrooms feature Aged Woods floors. We trust and believe in the integrity of this company.
Both personally and professionally, Denise is always there for us and the foundation.
The orphans of war throughout Congo DRC and Central Africa are subject to violence, rape, terrorism, human trafficking, and crime of all kinds.
Denise’s advice and contributions are helping the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation to thrive.
On a personal note:
As a family friend, Denise is a person we can always count on. One evening after a long night of shoveling snow, I went to bed. Unfortunately things went south with my health. An ambulance was called, and Denise and and her husband Jeff came and stayed with us the entire time. Her act of love and compassion gave me hope and courage. But most importantly, she brought comfort to my parents. It is a unique privilege to know Denise Horn. And her loving actions don’t stop with me. She is spreading the same love to the orphans of war in the Congo DRC.
Denise has been supporting the foundation since the beginning. We are so proud to have Denise Horn on our team.

Pat Dunlap
Please meet our web designer Pat Dunlap.
Pat is the owner and designer at Dixie Studios for Web Design and is the former Public Health Nutritionist at City of York, PA Bureau of Health.
Since 2001 Dixie Studios for Web Design has helped and restored many businesses nationwide. For more than seven years it has been an active ambassador for the orphans of war, women’s rights, human rights, and rape victims in Congo DRC and Central Africa. Pat Dunlap always uses her empathetic skills to put a face to our children’s stories and our mission.
Pat shares our value of believing that a society is measured by how well it protects the rights of children.
We thank Pat and Dixie Studios for spreading our message around the world. We are happy to be a part of Pat’s love and passion.

George Mecaj
Please meet my teenage best friend and brother Mr. George Mecaj.
When the Obama administration asked me to provide proof of my relevancy in this society and my community, I went to the American people and asked them if they could write letters to the United States immigration on behalf. More than 400 letters were sent to immigration. I still have copies of those letters. Sometimes when my internal conflicts try to get the best of me I read some of the letters for comfort and peace within myself.
I pledge initiative is one of many tools that I use to thank you all for being my trusted allies.
George was there for me when I was in the foster care system, and he is still here with me today. George is a fighter, courageous, loving, humanitarian, and a strong supporter of our foundation and its vision. George can be best characterized by his loyalty, honestly, integrity, and consistency.
In fact, when I think about Mr. George, Jean-Jacques Rousseau comes to my mind. Rousseau defined amour de soi as a quality that leads to more humanity because it is not associated with self-interest, but rather individual wellbeing. Amour de soi takes away any need for comparison or competition. It allows humans to be aware of their valuable existence. It leads to closer and more real connections with others.
Mr. George, I will always appreciate you, and I promise to pay it forward.

Jude McCurdy
Jude McCurdy is a retired visual illustrator. She is a 1984 graduate of La Roche College, Pittsburgh, PA and served proudly in the United States Women’s Army Corps from February 1967 to December 1978. It was in Vietnam she first realized the plight of the abandoned children of the streets. The Vietnamese referring to the children as, “Dirt” because of their mixed American and Asian blood. The images of these children haunted her dreams from 1973 until a few years ago when she became reacquainted with an old high school friend, Dr. Elizabeth Revell. After her reunion with Elizabeth and meeting Makaya Jude came to understand the needs of the children of the Congo and found a true purpose to her life. Her mission today is to do all in her power to help the orphans of the Congo and see to the success of the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation.