Our Videos
Makaya Shares his story with York Academy Students
December 2021
Makaya’s Amazing Story and Vision
Makaya Revell was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At age 16, he fled for his life when his family was the target of police brutality and both his father and younger brother were killed. Listen to him describe his arduous journey to the U.S. and his plan for improving the lives of orphaned children in the Congo through the Marie Mambu Makaya Foundation, named in honor of his late mother. Makaya is a graduate of the Master’s Program in International Peace and Conflict Resolution in the School of International Service at American University.This video was made in 2017.
Makaya at Model United Nations Conference
View Makaya Revell’s keynote presentation at the third annual York College of Pennsylvania High School Model United Nations Conference on Saturday, March 21, 2015.
Giving a Chance to Refugees – TEDxAmerican University
In June, 2017 our President and Founder, Makaya Revell, gave a TedX American University talk, “Giving a Chance to a Refugee.” Here is the video of that talk.
Amnesty International Advertisement
Makaya appears with other refugees in this advertisement for Amnesty International highlighting their Longer Table Project.